24 Ekim 2014 Cuma


In today’s technology-driven world, there is growing aspiration by both administrators and students to use technology in the classroom. It is not uncommon to tour a school campus today and see students on cell phones, tablet PCs and laptop computers surfing the Internet, updating social network sites or downloading music and videos.  This shouldn’t come as a shock however, as our society is clearly moving to a more technical and computerized age. There are benefits that can come from integrating technology in the classroom. Unfortunately, most veteran teachers are from a much different, less connected generation than the students they are working with. It is not unusual to see students who are more technologically savvy than their mentors who are four or five times their age.
There are some initial challenges that teacher’s first face when trying to integrate technology in the classroom.  First, there are many school districts that do not have the resources necessary to carry out certain types of technological instruction.  Classroom computers and software licenses are not readily available to every teacher on every campus. It can be difficult to make technology utilization a campus-wide initiative if there isn’t sufficient funding for resources or training on using those resources in the classroom.
There are always other project based teachings and learning opportunities involving technology but the demands are usually large in the beginning for the teacher, especially if this type of instruction is foreign to them.  It can sometimes be hard for teachers who have been set in their ways, teaching techniques for years, to suddenly change the way they do things and incorporate techniques that they have never used before. This may make teachers feel uncomfortable and unsure of their teaching strategy.

How Technology Can Affect Some Teachers

  • Teachers may lack confidence when using computers or programs they have no experience with.
  • Teachers can build on their skill and teaching repertoire with staff development and technology training.
  • Teachers will gain confidence and effectiveness in instruction with increased computer experience.

Why Technology Benefits Students

  • Studies show that computer-trained teachers maintain classrooms that score higher in math than their peers who did not have such training.
  • When teachers have a positive attitude about using technology, they often excite students’ interest in technology as well.
  • Students are able to learn skills that are related to technology which will add to their utilizable skills in the future.

Technology can have a profound effect on education as it can equip students with skills that will be necessary in the future. This is not to say that certain proven successful instruction strategies will be replaced and forgotten.   With the successful implantation of technology in the classroom, the students are able to receive a modern and comprehensive education that they will benefit from. Their education will be more suited to their generation and the direction that our society is moving in.  There are some hurdles in attaining the resources, funding and training needed to streamline technology into every classroom in the U.S., but it seems that education is on a straight and steady path to getting there.
Content provided by U.S. News University Directory.
Category: Technology for Teachers

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