24 Şubat 2015 Salı

28 Ekim 2014 Salı

Oyuncular için PlayStation markalı 24-inç 3D monitör

Sony oyuncular için PlayStation markalı 24-inç 3D monitör hazırladı

Sony oyun dünyasının en büyük etkinliği olan Las Vegas'daki E3 Fuarı'nda oyuncular için hazırladığı "PlayStation" markalı 3D monitörünü duyurdu. Adından da anlaşılabileceği üzere öncelikli olarak PlayStation kullanıcılarını hedef alan yeni monitör sahip olduğu güçlü detaylar ile pazara çıktığında ses getirecek gbi görünüyor. Şimdi isterseniz, 24-inç boyutunda olan ve 1920 x 1080 piksel doğal çözünürlük desteği sunan monitörün detaylarına yakından bakalım.
Ekran büyüklüğü 23.5-inç olan ve VA panel kullanan monitör 16.7 milyon renk desteği sunuyor. Açıklanan teknik özellik bilgilerne göre yatayda ve dikeyde 176 derecelik görüş açısı sunan yeni monitörün kontrast oranu 5000:1, tepki süresi ise 4 ms. Edge tipi beya LED arka aydınlatmaya sahip olan monitörün renk gamutu ise %72 oranında. Görüntü aktarımı için iki adet HDMI portuna sahip olan 5.7 K ağırlığındaki (standı ile birlikte) monitörde 3 watt gücünde iki hoparlöre ve 5 Watt kapasiteli subwoofer'a sahip entegre ses sistemine de yer veriliyor.
Sony'nin yeni monitörü için üzerinde durulması gereken en önemli detaylardan biri de çift oyuncu modu. Sony'nin özel bir teknolojisi sayesinde iki oyuncu eş zamanlı olarak oyun oynabiliyor ve bu esnada özel 3D gözlükler ve uyumlu yazılımlar ile kendilerine ait tam ekran oyun görüntüsünü takip edebiliyorlar. Kutu içeriğinde iki adet aktif shutter gözlüğe, HDMI kablosuna ve PlayStation 3 için Resistance 3 oyununa yer verilen yeni monitör, Amerika'da 499$ seviyesindek etiket fiyatıyla Sonbahar'da satışa sunulacak.

26 Ekim 2014 Pazar

Desserts made up of expensive minerals like gold and diamond

Always good to get a delicious meal, but it's great to be followed to obtain an excellent dessert, but not equal to all the desserts in nutritional value and financial worth, there are types of candy cost a lot of money.

Learn more about expensive 5 types of candies in the world:

1.Candy Fortress resort in Sri Lanka:

It is an Italian dessert cup at the base, and is made up of gold 
and precious Irish paper and served with a piece of mango, but the most striking is a piece of a carat aquamarine 80 carats, which adorn the small sculptures of chocolate is one of the local fishing methods in Sri Lanka, show fishermen middle of the sea bump up to a wooden column is based on the water level, and the value of one of those candy US $ 14,500, or about 55 thousand SR.


2.Haute Chocolate iced:

Is the fruit of cooperation between Euphoria Jewelry Company in New York and Company Serendebia 3, consists candy chocolate Haute chilled mixture of 28 species of cocoa, some of which are types of extreme scarcity and high is very valuable, and compact with 5 grams of carat gold 23 carats, and provide covered cream rich extract from White truffles, and you could find at the base of the piece placed on the golden diamond bracelet, with a dessert of $ 25,000 value, or about 90 thousand SR.


3.Platinum cake:

It is studded with many ornaments made of platinum, which can be used in decorations, while some of them met to eat, and worth the cake of $ 130,000, or about 480 thousand Saudi riyals, and the Japanese chef Nobu Aekara industry that white cake, and says he made specifically as a kind of celebration and gratitude for the beautiful ladies and in order to express his insistence on wearing more headstones Albulatien.


4.Strawberry dessert in Arno:

If you had the opportunity to walk in the French part of the town of Arno in New Orleans, you'll find somewhere candy strawberry iced sweetened wine red and covered with cream and mint, and if checked considering you'll find that the candy value is $ 1.3 million, or about 4.8 million Saudi riyals, due the diamond to the ring with a pink stone 4.7 carat, which was once a collection of Sir Ernest Cassel, and is part of the dessert.


5.Diamond Fruitcake:

Designed six months took took their full months, has the task of processing a chef in Tokyo, which has decided to reveal unveiled in the Christmas celebrations, and everything in the cake met to eat except the 223 small stone from the diamond adorn their cake from the outside, it looks a gift Ideal if you want to be happy with your sweetheart for a longer period with those sparklers.


24 Ekim 2014 Cuma


In today’s technology-driven world, there is growing aspiration by both administrators and students to use technology in the classroom. It is not uncommon to tour a school campus today and see students on cell phones, tablet PCs and laptop computers surfing the Internet, updating social network sites or downloading music and videos.  This shouldn’t come as a shock however, as our society is clearly moving to a more technical and computerized age. There are benefits that can come from integrating technology in the classroom. Unfortunately, most veteran teachers are from a much different, less connected generation than the students they are working with. It is not unusual to see students who are more technologically savvy than their mentors who are four or five times their age.
There are some initial challenges that teacher’s first face when trying to integrate technology in the classroom.  First, there are many school districts that do not have the resources necessary to carry out certain types of technological instruction.  Classroom computers and software licenses are not readily available to every teacher on every campus. It can be difficult to make technology utilization a campus-wide initiative if there isn’t sufficient funding for resources or training on using those resources in the classroom.
There are always other project based teachings and learning opportunities involving technology but the demands are usually large in the beginning for the teacher, especially if this type of instruction is foreign to them.  It can sometimes be hard for teachers who have been set in their ways, teaching techniques for years, to suddenly change the way they do things and incorporate techniques that they have never used before. This may make teachers feel uncomfortable and unsure of their teaching strategy.

How Technology Can Affect Some Teachers

  • Teachers may lack confidence when using computers or programs they have no experience with.
  • Teachers can build on their skill and teaching repertoire with staff development and technology training.
  • Teachers will gain confidence and effectiveness in instruction with increased computer experience.

Why Technology Benefits Students

  • Studies show that computer-trained teachers maintain classrooms that score higher in math than their peers who did not have such training.
  • When teachers have a positive attitude about using technology, they often excite students’ interest in technology as well.
  • Students are able to learn skills that are related to technology which will add to their utilizable skills in the future.

Technology can have a profound effect on education as it can equip students with skills that will be necessary in the future. This is not to say that certain proven successful instruction strategies will be replaced and forgotten.   With the successful implantation of technology in the classroom, the students are able to receive a modern and comprehensive education that they will benefit from. Their education will be more suited to their generation and the direction that our society is moving in.  There are some hurdles in attaining the resources, funding and training needed to streamline technology into every classroom in the U.S., but it seems that education is on a straight and steady path to getting there.
Content provided by U.S. News University Directory.
Category: Technology for Teachers

23 Ekim 2014 Perşembe

İpad Air2

Apple has taken the perfect tablet and somehow made it even better.

iPad Air 2 review

It was hard to see how Apple could improve on the first iPad Air - arguably the finest tablet ever produced.
And then it went and did so with the iPad Air 2. You can talk all you like about what counts as "too thin" but there's no denying that this new tablet is a feat of engineering that again pushes the limits of what makes a premium slate.


At 6.1mm thick, the Apple iPad Air 2 is easily one of the slimmest tablets on the market. It's not actually the thinnest, but we're at the point now where fractions of a millimetre really don't matter.
Thinness for its own sake can be an error - there is a point of diminishing returns where only marginal improvements can be achieved, at the cost of structural integrity, battery life and overall performance - but Apple hasn't reached that point yet.
iPad Air 2 review
The iPad Air 2 feels like a very solid tablet that can be held easily for hours without it getting uncomfortable. The iPad Air was hardly a big tablet, and the Samsung Galaxy Tab S matches the iPad Air 2 in weight, if not thickness.
Where the Apple device wins though is the overall packaging. Samsung's option is good, but clearly an assemblage of distinct parts. The plastic back, the larger-bezelled screen and the rim are all competing parts, where the iPad Air 2 is a complete package, smooth and easy to hold in one hand.
I was almost loath to put it in a case - it needs to be protected if you're going to be running it around town, as that back and chamfered edges will scuff up eventually - but if you're going to be a sofa-warrior with your new tablet, the Smart Cover will do just fine and won't obscure the impressive design.
iPad Air 2 review
The sad thing here is the loss of the silencing switch, which has departed due to size restrictions. Apple would argue that this is because the new Control Center makes the option available throughout the OS with just a flick of the hand, but in truth I'm really going to miss being able to silence the tablet without even looking.
iPad Air 2 review
The power button remains at the top and the volume keys have shuffled a little upwards now free of the silence key, but otherwise the only real design changes are the speaker grill at the bottom of the tablet (now a single row of holes, rather than the two before) and the Touch ID on the home key.
You'd be hard pressed to tell the difference between the iPad Air 2 and the iPad Air without a spotter's guide, but the iPad Air 2 has a deeper black bezel which helps enhance the picture - plus it now comes in gold to join space gray and silver.
iPad Air 2 review
The camera stays where it has been, both front and back, with the new 8MP iSight snapper not jutting out as it does on the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus. The fact no tablet camera needs to be that high res, nor should people be taking pics with a tablet anyway, is something to discuss in another article.
Does the iPad Air 2's design warrant the high price tag? Yes, more than any other tablet on the market. It brings a premium build, quality finish, great looks and while it doesn't need to be this thin, the structure doesn't seem to have had an effect on the actual performance of the tablet, and does add something in the palm.
Taken from: techradar.tablets

21 Ekim 2014 Salı

Funiest videos

Things that have to be done before dying:





19 Ekim 2014 Pazar

Free E-Books

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